Tuesday, 2 October 2007

Once again sleep is a rare commodity. I get periods of extreme insomnia when I may go for days with only a few hours sleep and then I'll hit a brick wall and collapse and sleep for 10-12 hours solidly. One of the worst things about the sleepless periods is that although I can't sleep (for lots of different reasons - pain being one of them) I don't have any more energy than normal so I can't do lots and lots. I use the time to catch up with my reading or knitting if I can concentrate enough; I am knitting a pair of socks at the moment so I need to be aware of what I'm doing. If I don't count stitches and rows I could end up with one sock for a giant and the other a toddler!
I wrote a letter to my AM today asking why a new transplant unit hadn't been built in Cardiff even though it has been under discussion for the last 3 years. The wheels of bureaucracy move ever slower! Apparently as I understand it there is some dispute over who should fund the day to day running costs of the new unit as and when it is eventually built. If anyone out there knows any more details I would be really pleased to hear from you. I will also be writing to my MP and MEP's over the next week and I urge everyone interested in supporting the People Like Us campaign to do the same. There are copies of letters available to give you a general outline if you want one - drop me a line on mel@kidneywales.com and I'll send them to you.
Please write with your support it is vital to show the politicians that represent us that the PLUS campaign has the backing of the people.

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