Thursday, 1 November 2007

Finally, after my computer nearly ended up n the middle of my back garden via a window! Why Oh why does a lump of plastic and electric cables make you feel so useless? Sadly that is a question I will never be able to answer. As much as I try to fathom the workings of my home computer I am not getting very far.
In a way it is a good thing that my last post was lost in the ether of cyberspace. I was really down in the dumps on Tuesday and I don't know why. I am trying my hardest to not spoil my last week before he goes away but it is proving harder than I thought to block out the fact that he is going away and I have to relinquish my freedom for 4 months.
I will have to hand over my care to the nurses and technicians in UHW. I have been so used to being in control of my own treatment that not having any control will be difficult to say the least. Being shoe horned into a care pattern that doesn't suit me will be purgatory. At least it is only for a few months and there will be light at the end of the tunnel.

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