Friday, 23 November 2007

This will be my third attempt to put this post on today, my computer is being a pain in the neck!
Well another week gone - hooray! I don't often wish time away but every day that passes is another day closer to Nick coming home. That also means no more hospital dialysis (double hooray!). Don't get me wrong, it is not that they are bad or that I don't like the nurses and staff at UHW because they are great and they have been so caring it's unbelievable. It is just that I hate having to stick to a set routine of every Mon, Wed, and Fri @ 4pm I have to go to the hospital. I have a busy life apart from dialysis and having to drop everything and rearrange things is a pain. But I shouldn't grumble. As I said the staff at UHW dialysis unit have been fantastic and they all know Nick and have been asking after him and asking if I'm OK. They are a wonderful group of people who do a difficult job in not very easy circumstances because I am sure they are beset by the problems that seem to be faced by everyone in a "caring profession" these days. That is one thing I don't miss about teaching - the paper work, oh the endless paper work.
I am going to try and post this now 0 if you are reading it I have been successful, if you are not reading this my computer will be in the back garden via an open window!

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