Thursday 18 June 2009

Once again I am trying to keep a diary of life on dialysis. I say trying because I am hopeless at keeping any form of diary. I have tried to keep a diary every January for the past 20 years! I usually make it to about January 10th and then can’t find anything to write or have lots to say and don’t have the time to sit down and write it.
One of the main problems of writing a diary of dialysis is it ends up sounding as if I am having one long moan about my life. This is far from the truth, if I write down exactly what goes on when you are living with kidney failure I am not moaning; I am just trying to be honest.
I can honestly say that I believe that my life is as good if not better than a lot of people who are perfectly healthy. OK I have to watch my diet and stick to a 500ml fluid restriction daily but I also live every day to the full or try to. I don’t take things for granted as some people might and say thank you for each and every day that I continue to do well on dialysis. I know that I am the only one who can help keep myself well. By watching my fluid intake, diet and ensuring I do my full dialysis time I can keep myself as well as I can be.
I don’t want to gloss over the down side of dialysis and there are days when I feel really awful. So I will try to be as accurate as possible about life on dialysis and the waiting game for a transplant.

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